This page contains an index of all the surnames in the database. Selecting a link will lead to a list of individuals in the database with this same surname.

Letter Surname Number of People
M Mockett 88
H Hobson 63
A Antrobus 60
F Fisher 59
B Brammall 49
H Horrocks 44
B Bentley 32
S Sackett 29
E Earp 26
J Johnson 25
  Jackson 24
K Kerby 23
A Ashworth 22
P Pearce 22
W Wright 21
L Lawton 19
  Lord 19
W Whalley 18
T Taylor 17
D Davies 16
L Langley 16
C Coyle 14
L Lemon 14
R Rowland 14
B Bray 13
M Mercer 13
O Ogden 13
R Ravenscroft 13
S Stewart 13
B Bramhall 12
E Evans 12
K Kenyon 12
P Pomfret 12
C Cramp 11
G Gill 11
L Leary 11
S Sampson 11
T Tatnall 10
B Batty 9
R Roberts 9
S Simpson 9
  Smith 9
B Bramall 8
  Brooks 8
C Campion 8
D Deakin 8
F Fletcher 8
G Garde 8
M Mountford 8
S Salt 8
  Singleton 8
T Toft 8
B Bowker 7
H Harris 7
K Kershaw 7
L Launder 7
  Leigh 7
M Machin 7
A Adshead 6
B Boffey 6
  Brown 6
  Burns 6
F Fleuker 6
  Furbur 6
G Gough 6
H Heath 6
K Kindar 6
M McElroy 6
S Simcock 6
B Bontoft 5
F Furber 5
H Hacket 5
  Hollard 5
M Millward 5
R Read 5
W Wood 5
B Bennet 4
F Ferrier 4
G Gregory 4
J Jones 4
K Kelly 4
L Livesey 4
  Lowton 4
R Robson 4
A Ashton 3
B Brammall* 3
C Carr 3
  Carson 3
  Church 3
  Cooke 3
  Curbishley 3
D Dale 3
  Donaldson 3
E Elizabeth 3
F Follows 3
  Furbour 3
G Grundy 3
H Hart 3
  Hetherington 3
  Heys 3
J Jarrott 3
K Kerbey 3
  Kershaw* 3
M Maginnis 3
  Markham 3
  Mockett* 3
P Pickles 3
S Simmonds 3
T Tomlin 3
  Trevise 3
  Twemlow 3
Y Yates 3
A Allen 2
  Ashworth* 2
B Barton 2
  Bate 2
  Batty* 2
  Bayliss 2
  Boothby 2
  Bridge 2
  Brook 2
C Chesworth 2
  Conroy 2
D Dean 2
  Draper 2
E Edmunson 2
  Elliott 2
  Eyres 2
F Fitzsimons 2
  Fleet 2
  Foster 2
G Grant 2
H Hartshorn 2
  Hogg 2
  Holliard 2
  Holmes 2
  Hughes 2
  Huntington 2
J Jennings 2
K Kennedy 2
L Lee 2
  Lees 2
  Lemon* 2
  Lemons 2
M Mather 2
  McCoy 2
N Nadin 2
P Pannell 2
  Plant 2
R Robinson 2
S Sackett* 2
T Thistlethwaite 2
  Tompson 2
  Trevis 2
  Trickett 2
W Whittaker 2
  Wilson 2
  Woodall 2
  Wroe 2
A Adshead* 1
  Aeirs 1
  Almon 1
  Appleby 1
B Baker 1
  Bardsley 1
  Barrie 1
  Bate* 1
  Beardsley 1
  Beatton 1
  Bingham 1
  Bland 1
  Bond 1
  Bontoft* 1
  Bostock 1
  Bower 1
  Bowles 1
  Boyman 1
  Bradshaw 1
  Brammal 1
  Brammell 1
  Branshaw 1
  Brierley 1
  Brown* 1
  Burns* 1
  Burton 1
  Butler 1
C Cassidy 1
  Chatburn 1
  Clarke 1
  Collinge 1
  Collins 1
  Connor 1
  Cook 1
  Corbishley 1
  Couper 1
  Couston 1
  Cramp* 1
D Darbyshire 1
  Daughney 1
  Davis 1
  Deakin* 1
  Di Clementi 1
  Dodds 1
  Dowson 1
  Drake 1
E Eccles 1
  Edwards 1
  Etherington 1
  Eyre 1
F Fatham 1
  Ferrier* 1
  Fisher* 1
  Fitton 1
  Fletcher* 1
  Fleuckar 1
  Fleukar 1
  Flocard 1
  Flooker 1
  Flucker 1
  Fluecar 1
  Forrest 1
  Forrester 1
  Foster* 1
  Fulkes 1
  Furbor 1
G Garde* 1
  Garforth 1
  Garnett 1
  Gill* 1
  Green 1
  Greg 1
  Gretwich 1
  Grieg 1
  Guilielmus 1
H Hampson 1
  Hayward 1
  Heselton(widow) 1
  Hethrington 1
  Higgins 1
  Hilton 1
  Hindle 1
  Hinds 1
  Hobson* 1
  Hog 1
  Holland 1
  Hollard* 1
  Hollis 1
  Horrocks* 1
  Hulme 1
  Huntington* 1
J Jackson* 1
  Jefferson 1
  Johnson* 1
K Katherine 1
  Kavanah 1
  Kaye 1
  Kenyon* 1
  Kerbey* 1
  Kindar* 1
  Kitchen 1
L Lane 1
  Langdale 1
  Langley* 1
  Lawton* 1
  Loutton 1
M Margaret 1
  Mary 1
  MaryTaylor 1
  Massy 1
  Mercier 1
  Mocketts 1
  Moss 1
  Mountford* 1
  Mulhall 1
  Mummery 1
  Musgrove 1
N Napleton 1
  Neame 1
  Nelson 1
  Newton 1
  Normansell 1
O Owen 1
P Pearce* 1
  Pearson 1
  Phoenix 1
  Pighels(Pighles) 1
  Pomfret* 1
  Pomfrett 1
  Pritchard 1
  Prophet 1
R Rathmill 1
  Reade 1
  Reynolds 1
  Richards 1
  Rowe 1
  Royle 1
  Ruffe 1
S Sacket 1
  Sarjeant 1
  Saxon 1
  Scarrot 1
  Sharman 1
  Sharvett 1
  Shepherd 1
  Simmons 1
  Simms 1
  Simson 1
  Singleton* 1
  Skellern 1
  Spencer 1
  Sproston 1
  Stacy 1
  Stanley 1
  Steedman 1
  Stoddart 1
  Stroud(e) 1
  Strowde 1
  StrowdeStroud(e) 1
  Sutcliffe 1
  Sydebotham 1
  Symcock 1
T Talbot 1
  Tatnal 1
  Taylor* 1
  Thomas 1
  Thomlin 1
  Thompson 1
  Timony 1
  Todd 1
  Tomlin* 1
  Trollop 1
W Weedman 1
  West 1
  Whaley 1
  Wilde 1
  William 1
  Williams 1
  Williamson 1
  Witherden 1
  Witheren 1
  Witheren* 1
  Wodwood 1
  Wolfenden 1