
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Bentley. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
Bentley, Alfred between 1834 and 1835
Bentley, Alice about 1861
Bentley, Anne about 1868
Bentley, Caroline Dec 1820
Bentley, Charlotte Jan 1810
Bentley, Elizabeth Dec 1813
Bentley, Elizth. about 1874
Bentley, Ellen Nov 1811
Bentley, GEORGE between 1806 and 1807
Bentley, George between 1829 and 1831
Bentley, George about 1858
Bentley, Hannah Aug 1824
Bentley, Harriett Feb 1818
Bentley, Henry 1842
Bentley, Jane between 1865 and 1866
Bentley, John about 1833
Bentley, John between 1888 and 1889
Bentley, Julia between 1884 and 1885
Bentley, Lilly between 1886 and 1887
Bentley, Lizzie between 1882 and 1883
Bentley, Lucy between 1880 and 1881
Bentley, MARY Jul 1844
Bentley, Mary 17 Mar 1808
Bentley, Mary about 1870
Bentley, Minnie about 1878
Bentley, Prudence Aug 1823
Bentley, Richard Dec 1815
Bentley, Sarah Jun 1822
Bentley, William between 1780 and 1781
Bentley, William 1847
Bentley, William about 1884
Bentley, William BET JAN AND FEB 1839