
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lemon. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
Lemon, Andrew about 1870
Lemon, Ann between 1844 and 1845
Lemon, Eliza between 1829 and 1830
Lemon, Ellen between 1832 and 1833
Lemon, Francis about 1862
Lemon, Francis B between 1836 and 1837
Lemon, Gabriel about 1876
Lemon, Joseph about 1868
Lemon, Lawrane between 1842 and 1843
Lemon, Mary Jane 19 Oct 1906
Lemon, Michael between 1834 and 1835
Lemon, Thiresa between 1838 and 1839
Lemon, Thomas between 1827 and 1828
Lemon, Thomas Austin about 1864