England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1995


    1. Probate, Rowland, Herbert
      1. Rowland, Herbert (Primary)
    2. Rowland, Herbert
    1. Hobson, William John
    2. Probate, Hobson, William John
      1. Hobson, William John (Primary)
    1. Hobson, Edward
    2. Effects under £450
      1. Hobson, Edward (Primary)
    1. Lawton, SARAH
    2. Will was proven.
      1. Lawton, SARAH (Primary)
    1. Hobson, LUCY SABRINA
    1. Fisher, Matilda Jane
    1. Residence, Barton, Gertrude
      1. Barton, Gertrude (Primary)
    2. Barton, Gertrude
  1. ADMINISTRATIONS 1860 page 119
    1. Boot and Shoe Dealer
      1. Earp, THOMAS (Primary)
    2. Earp, THOMAS
    1. Hobson, LUCY SABRINA
    2. Residence, Hobson, LUCY SABRINA
      1. Hobson, LUCY SABRINA (Primary)
    1. Death, Johnson, MAY
      1. Johnson, MAY (Primary)
    2. Johnson, MAY
    1. Barton, Gertrude
    2. Probate, Barton, Gertrude
      1. Barton, Gertrude (Primary)
    1. Fisher, Matilda Jane
    2. Death, Fisher, Matilda Jane
      1. Fisher, Matilda Jane (Primary)
    1. Probate, Lemon, Thomas Austin
      1. Lemon, Thomas Austin (Primary)
    2. Lemon, Thomas Austin
    1. Huntington, Rose Eveline
    2. Death, Huntington, Rose Eveline
      1. Huntington, Rose Eveline (Primary)
    1. Rowland, Herbert
    2. Age: 55
      1. Rowland, Herbert (Primary)
  2. ADMINISTRATIONS 1860 page 119
    1. Probate, Earp, THOMAS
      1. Earp, THOMAS (Primary)
    2. Earp, THOMAS
    1. Death, Lemon, Thomas Austin
      1. Lemon, Thomas Austin (Primary)
    2. Lemon, Thomas Austin
    1. to: Margaret Rose Hayward of 205 Sale Road Northern Moor Manchester
      1. Huntington, Rose Eveline (Primary)
    2. Huntington, Rose Eveline
    1. Hobson, William John
    1. Lemon, Thomas Austin
    1. Rowland, Herbert
    1. Hobson, William John
    2. Death, Hobson, William John
      1. Hobson, William John (Primary)
    1. Hobson, Edward
    2. Probate, Hobson, Edward
      1. Hobson, Edward (Primary)
    1. Hobson, Mary
    2. Residence, Hobson, Mary
      1. Hobson, Mary (Primary)
    1. Lemon, Thomas Austin
    2. (died)
      1. Lemon, Thomas Austin (Primary)
    1. Green, Jane
    1. Hobson, Edward
    2. Death, Hobson, Edward
      1. Hobson, Edward (Primary)
    1. Friends and Executors, David Prestwick - Cashier, Jacob Marshall - Inspector of Nuisances
      1. Brammall, Joseph (Primary)
    2. Brammall, Joseph
    1. Huntington, Rose Eveline
    1. Residence, Gough, John William
      1. Gough, John William (Primary)
    2. Gough, John William
  3. 1961 page 445
    1. Probate, Rowland, HENRY
      1. Rowland, HENRY (Primary)
    2. Rowland, HENRY
    1. Lawton, SARAH
    2. Age: 77
      1. Lawton, SARAH (Primary)
    1. Probate, Johnson, MAY
      1. Johnson, MAY (Primary)
    2. Johnson, MAY
    1. Cooper (retired)
      1. Gough, John William (Primary)
    2. Gough, John William
    1. Brammall, Joseph
    1. Probate, Antrobus, William
      1. Antrobus, William (Primary)
    2. Antrobus, William
    1. Publisher and Letter-press Printer
      1. Hobson, Edward (Primary)
    2. Hobson, Edward
  4. ADMINISTRATIONS 1860 page 119
    1. Age: 60
      1. Earp, THOMAS (Primary)
    2. Earp, THOMAS
    1. Age: 72
      1. Barton, Gertrude (Primary)
    2. Barton, Gertrude
    1. Residence, Davis, Martha
      1. Davis, Martha (Primary)
    2. Davis, Martha
    1. Residence, Hobson, William John
      1. Hobson, William John (Primary)
    2. Hobson, William John
    1. Cause of death: Debility Acute Gastritis Collapse
      1. Brammall, Joseph (Primary)
    2. Brammall, Joseph
  5. 1961 page 445
    1. Age 62
      1. Rowland, HENRY (Primary)
    2. Rowland, HENRY
    1. Effects under £450
      1. Hobson, Edward (Primary)
    2. Hobson, Edward
  6. 1961 page 445
    1. Johnson, MAY
    2. Residence, Johnson, MAY
      1. Johnson, MAY (Primary)
  7. 1961 page 445
    1. Rowland, HENRY
    2. Residence, Rowland, HENRY
      1. Rowland, HENRY (Primary)
    1. Death, Antrobus, William
      1. Antrobus, William (Primary)
    2. Antrobus, William