Yorkshire Monumental Inscriptions
Ashworth, JOHN
Burial, Ashworth, JOHN
Ashworth, JOHN
Betty Ashworth (Chatburn) and family members
Thomas, Sarah
Betty Ashworth (Chatburn) and family members
Age: 31
Thomas, Sarah
Thomas, Sarah
Robert Ashworth and family members
Grave: D 5/11
Pickles, Grace
Pickles, Grace
Robert Ashworth and family members
Ashworth, John
Age: 63
Ashworth, John
Burial, Pickles, MARY
Pickles, MARY
Pickles, MARY
Robert Ashworth and family members
Pickles, Grace
Robert Ashworth and family members
Ashworth, William
Robert Ashworth and family members
Age: 59
Ashworth, William
Ashworth, William
Robert Ashworth and family members
Age: 57
Ashworth, ROBERT
Ashworth, ROBERT
Betty Ashworth (Chatburn) and family members
Ashworth, Robert
Betty Ashworth (Chatburn) and family members
Chatburn, Betty
Age: 31
Chatburn, Betty
Betty Ashworth (Chatburn) and family members
Ashworth, Robert
Grave: D 5/12
Ashworth, Robert
Robert Ashworth and family members
Pickles, Grace
Birth, Pickles, Grace
Pickles, Grace
Betty Ashworth (Chatburn) and family members
Thomas, Sarah
Grave: D 5/12
Thomas, Sarah
Betty Ashworth (Chatburn) and family members
Ashworth, Robert
Age: 19
Ashworth, Robert
Ashworth, JOHN
Age: 66
Ashworth, JOHN
Robert Ashworth and family members
Age: 65
Pickles, Grace
Pickles, Grace
Betty Ashworth (Chatburn) and family members
Grave: D 5/12
Chatburn, Betty
Chatburn, Betty
Age: 80
Pickles, MARY
Pickles, MARY