Staffordshire Marriages, 1538-1900


6 August 2015. Over 267,000 records have also been added to our collection of Staffordshire parish registers. Staffordshire marriages now contains contain over 905,000 records from 277 different parishes in the West Midland county. Some of the earlier records in this set contain the details of marriages that took place as early as 1538, a number of which are written in Latin. Parish marriage registers were kept by the church and often list the parents of the bride and groom – information that is key to getting your research back another generation.

Each record includes a transcript and scanned colour image of the original source material. The amount of information included can vary, but the records usually contain the full names of the bride and groom, their religious denomination, their ages, home parishes and the date of their wedding. In some cases the records can also include the names of any witnesses (often family members), the names and occupations of the bride’s and groom’s parents, the occupation of the groom, the couple’s previous marital condition and the name of the officiating minister.


    1. Marriage, Family of Lees, THOMAS and Tatnall, ANN
      1. Tatnall, ANN (Primary)
      2. Lees, THOMAS (Primary)
    2. Tatnall, ANN
    3. Lees, THOMAS
    1. Bentley, Alfred
    2. Shoe Maker
      1. Bentley, Alfred (Primary)
    1. Bentley, Charlotte
    2. Evans, Robert
    3. Charlotte signs - Robert doesn't
      1. Bentley, Charlotte (Primary)
      2. Evans, Robert (Primary)
    1. Hart, John
    1. Salt, Thomas William
    2. Shoe Maker
      1. Salt, Thomas William (Primary)
    1. Kerby, Thomas
    1. Earp, THOMAS
    1. Lees, JANE
    1. Simcock, Francis
    2. Kerby, Mary
    3. Marriage, Family of Simcock, Francis and Kerby, Mary
      1. Kerby, Mary (Primary)
      2. Simcock, Francis (Primary)
    1. Coachman
      1. Hart, Charles (Primary)
    2. Hart, Charles
    1. Deakin, Joseph
    1. Follows, John
    2. Shoe Maker
      1. Follows, John (Primary)
    1. Furbur, THOMAS
    1. Kerby, Thomas
    2. Weedman, Elizabeth
    3. Marriage, Family of Kerby, Thomas and Weedman, Elizabeth
      1. Kerby, Thomas (Primary)
      2. Weedman, Elizabeth (Primary)
    1. Bray, Joseph
    1. Earp, THOMAS
    2. Residence, Earp, THOMAS
      1. Earp, THOMAS (Primary)
    1. Follows, Mary Ann
    1. Lawton, SARAH
    2. Residence, Lawton, SARAH
      1. Lawton, SARAH (Primary)
    1. Evans, Ann
    2. Heath, William
    3. Marriage, Family of Heath, William and Evans, Ann
      1. Evans, Ann (Primary)
      2. Heath, William (Primary)
    1. Lawton, SARAH
    1. Bentley, MARY
    2. Mountford, Thomas
    3. Marriage, Family of Mountford, Thomas and Bentley, MARY
      1. Bentley, MARY (Primary)
      2. Mountford, Thomas (Primary)
    1. Residence, Follows, Mary Ann
      1. Follows, Mary Ann (Primary)
    2. Follows, Mary Ann
    1. Heath, William
    1. Marriage, Family of Furbor, THOMAS and Launder, ANN
      1. Launder, ANN (Primary)
      2. Furbor, THOMAS (Primary)
    2. Furbor, THOMAS
    3. Launder, ANN
    1. Mountford, Thomas
    2. Birth, Mountford, Thomas
      1. Mountford, Thomas (Primary)
    1. Earp, JOHN
    2. Lees, JANE
    3. Marriage, Family of Earp, JOHN and Lees, JANE
      1. Earp, JOHN (Primary)
      2. Lees, JANE (Primary)
    1. Residence, Hart, John
      1. Hart, John (Primary)
    2. Hart, John
    1. Wodwood, ANNE
    1. Kerby, Thomas
    2. Residence, Kerby, Thomas
      1. Kerby, Thomas (Primary)
    1. Furbor, THOMAS
    1. Shoe Maker
      1. Hart, John (Primary)
    2. Hart, John
    1. Earp, THOMAS
    2. Lawton, SARAH
    3. Marriage, Family of Earp, THOMAS and Lawton, SARAH
      1. Earp, THOMAS (Primary)
      2. Lawton, SARAH (Primary)
    1. Hart, Charles
    1. Lawton, Frances
    2. Deakin, Joseph
    3. Marriage, Family of Deakin, Joseph and Lawton, Frances
      1. Deakin, Joseph (Primary)
      2. Lawton, Frances (Primary)
    1. Mountford, William
    1. Bentley, MARY
    2. (marriage to Thomas Mountford)
      1. Bentley, MARY (Primary)
    1. Launder, ANN
    1. Hollis, Robert
    2. Lawton, Ann
    3. Marriage, Family of Hollis, Robert and Lawton, Ann
      1. Hollis, Robert (Primary)
      2. Lawton, Ann (Primary)
    1. Earp, Sarah
    1. Shoe Maker
      1. Mountford, Thomas (Primary)
    2. Mountford, Thomas
    1. Stacy, Anne
    1. Birth, Follows, Mary Ann
      1. Follows, Mary Ann (Primary)
    2. Follows, Mary Ann
    1. Salt, Thomas William
    1. Heath, William
    2. Lawton, Elizabeth
    3. Marriage, Family of Heath, William and Lawton, Elizabeth
      1. Lawton, Elizabeth (Primary)
      2. Heath, William (Primary)
    1. Marriage, Family of Bray, Joseph and Earp, Sarah
      1. Bray, Joseph (Primary)
      2. Earp, Sarah (Primary)
    2. Bray, Joseph
    3. Earp, Sarah
    1. Marriage Banns, Family of Bray, Joseph and Earp, Sarah
      1. Bray, Joseph (Primary)
      2. Earp, Sarah (Primary)
    2. Earp, Sarah
    3. Bray, Joseph
    1. Furbur, THOMAS
    2. Wodwood, ANNE
    3. Marriage, Family of Furbur, THOMAS and Wodwood, ANNE
      1. Furbur, THOMAS (Primary)
      2. Wodwood, ANNE (Primary)
    1. Tatnall, ANN
    1. Earp, JOHN
    1. Simcock, Francis
    1. Salt, Adelaide
    2. Marriage, Family of Hart, John and Salt, Adelaide
      1. Hart, John (Primary)
      2. Salt, Adelaide (Primary)
    3. Hart, John
    1. Follows, John
    1. Marriage, Family of Furbur, Thomas and Stacy, Anne
      1. Furbur, Thomas (Primary)
      2. Stacy, Anne (Primary)
    2. Stacy, Anne
    3. Furbur, Thomas
    1. Follows, Mary Ann
    2. Bentley, Alfred
    3. Marriage, Family of Bentley, Alfred and Follows, Mary Ann
      1. Bentley, Alfred (Primary)
      2. Follows, Mary Ann (Primary)
    1. Hollis, Robert