Sackett, Anne

Birth Name Sackett, Anne 1a
Gender female


Eldest daughter in her father's will, is left a cow, and various chattels to be valued plus balance of £5.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1560 Thanet, Kent, England    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Sackett, Thomas the elder15301595
Mother Sackett*, Joane1593
    Brother     Sackett, THOMAS the younger about 1557 1615
         Sackett, Anne 1560
    Sister     Sackett, Mildred 1562 27 Nov 1597
    Brother     Sackett, George 1565 26 Mar 1612

Source References

  1. The Sackett Family Association
      • Page: 1594 Thomas Sackett
      • Source text:

        Will of Thomas Sackett of St Peter in Thanet, Kent.
        Date: 30 March 1594.
        Proved: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 2 June 1596.
        Source: Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-51-184.
        Testator: Thomas Sackett, labourer of St Peter in Thanet.
        Eldest daughter Anne, a cow, and various chattels to be valued plus balance of £5.
        Daughter Mildred, five ewes and a lamb, and chattels as for Anne.
        Godson John Sackett, £1.
        Son George, £12 plus various chattels.
        Eldest son Thomas, tenement & lands plus residue of estate.
        Executor: son Thomas.
        In the name of God amen The thirtieth day of March in the yeare of our Lord 1594 and the thirtiefifth yeare of the raigne of our Sovereigne Lady Queen Elizabeth I Thomas Sacket of the parishe of St Peter the Apostle in the Isle of Tannet in the Countie of Kent Laborer of perfect memorie [& mind] do make and ordayne this my will contayninge therin my last will and Testament in manner and form as following first and before all things I bequeath my Soule into the handes of allmightie god my maker Redemer and Saviour and my bodye to be buryed in the church yard of St Peters aforesaid Item I give and bequeth [unto] Anne Sacket my eldest Daughter one cowe five peawter platters And one chaffinge dishe and a lattin panne and a [__] kettell and five payer of sheetes A flockbed one [trameser] one blanket and my best coverlit This being prised by sufficient and honest men in part of five poundes of good and lawfull money of england I give unto her imediatly after my decesse and the rest to be payd in money lacking the some of five pounds I will that it be payd unto her by mine execytor one year after my decesse Item I give unto Mildred Sacket my daughter one brasse pot one cupbord my best parlor [plaker] and a lattin morter and pessell on blancket and a coverlit two payer of sheetes and five ewes and a lame This to be prised as before and the [__] it imediatly after my decesse the rest that wanteth of five poundes of lawfull money I will that my executor do pay it within one yeare after my deceasse Item I give unto John Sacket my godsonne one lame imediatly after my my deceasse Item I give unto my sonne George Sacket twelve poundes of lawfull money to be payd unto him within one yeare after my deceasse To be payd by my exector out of my Tenemant or landes also I give to him one payer of sheetes and two little [p__] imediatly after my deceasse Item I give unto the reparation of the church of St Peters five shilinges to be payd within one yeare after my deceasse The rest of my movable goodes unbequeathed I give unto Thomas Sacket my eldest sonne whom I make and ordayne my executor of this my present Testament and This is the last will of me Thomas Sacket aforesaid of and upon all my tenament and landes lyinge wthin the pish of Saint Peters in the Isle of Thannet and elsewhere I give it hole unto my sonne Thomas in Fee simple to him witnesses herin to [__]
        Nicholas W__
        Thomas Sacket
        Simon Stome
        John Brooke