Wright, Hugh

Birth Name Wright, Hugh 1a 1b
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1603      
Baptism 6 Apr 1603 St Peter, St Peter's, Kent, England   1c


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Wright, Hugh
Mother Sacket, Johan15831622
    Sister     Wright, Martha 1600
         Wright, Hugh 1603


Family of Wright, Hugh and Wright, Mr

Married Wife Wright, Mr ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 26 Nov 1629 All Saints, Birchington, Kent, England   1d

Source References

  1. The Sackett Family Association
      • Page: 1615 Thomas Sackett
      • Source text:

        Will of Thomas Sackett of Birchington, Kent.
        Date: 23 June 1615.
        Proved: Consistory Court of Canterbury, 7 November 1615.
        Source: Kent Archives Office, PRC 32-44-380.
        Testator: Thomas Sackett, yeoman, Birchington.
        Wife Martha & son Thomas, to sell house & land at St Peters to pay debts & legacies.
        Sons, when 21 years, £10 each, 1 year after expiry of lease on house & land at Birchington.
        Daughters, £5 each, same proviso.
        Grandchildren Martha & Hugh Wright, children of daughter Joane, 50/- each.
        Overseer of the will, brother-in-law Richard Stroude.
        Silas Hanker?, Richard Stroud.
        Wife Martha & son Thomas.
        In the name of God, Amen. The three and twentith day of June Ao Do 1615 And in the years of the raigne of our Sovreigne Lord James by the grace of God King of England France and Ireland defender of the faith etc the thirteenth and of Scotland the eight and forthieth I Thomas Sackett of the p’ish of Birchington in the Iland of Thannett in the Countie of Kent yeoman being weake in body but of sound and p’fecte memorye (thank be geven unto God) doe make and ordayne this my last will and Testament in manner and form following First of all I yeald my Sowle unto the mercifull hand of my maker and Redeemer stedfastlie trustinge to obtaine eternall life by the passion and mediaton of Christ Jesus mine onely Saviour And my body I bequeath ?bur to the earth from whence it had his beginninge to be intered at the discretion of myne Executor hereafter to be named Item I give and bequeath to every one of mine owne Sonnes tenn pounds apeece of good and lawfull monie of England to be paid unto them wch are of one and twentie yeares of adge the yeere after the expiraton of the lease of the house and lands wh I now have in Birchington and to be paid unto the rest wch are under adge at the full terme and end of one and twentie yeeres of adge by myne executors and if any of them dye in the meane time each to be the others heire and the survivors to p’te the portion ore portions equallie betweene them Item I geve and bequeath unto each of mine owne daughters five pounds a peice of good and lawfull monie of England to be paid unto them and every of them the year after the expiraton of the lease of the house and land wch I now have in Birchington by mine executors and each to be the others heire as aforesaid Item I give to Martha and Hugh Wright the Children of my daughter Joane fiftie shillings apeice of good and lawfull money of England to be paid unto them at the full adge of one and twentie yeeres by mine executors and the one to be the others heire as aforesaid and if both of them dye in the meane tyme I will the said portions unto mine owne Children aforesaid equallie to be devided among them Item I will that my house and landes situate and being in the p’sih of St Peters in Thanet aforesaid to be sould as soone as may be Conveniently for the payment of my debts and toward the discharge of the foresaid legacies in the meane tyme my will is mine executors shall stand to the repairing thereof reserving the benefit thereof to themselves Itm I will at ?tyme of expiraton of my lease aforesaid that all my goodes chattels wh wagons Courtes(?) and all other necessaries be sold towards the payment of the said legaties in manner aforesaid And all the rest of my goods household stuff whatsoever and wheresoever wh the rest of the same bequethed to my Children and Childrens children till they come to the age aforesaid I will and bequeath unto Martha my loving wife towards the bringing up of the said children Item I will and bequeath unto my sonne Thomas my bedstedde in the p’lour wh every thing thereunto belonging after the decease of my wife Itm I doe make and ordayne my loving wife Martha and my son Thomas executors to this my last will and Testament and my brother And my brother in lawe Richard Stroude of St Lawrence in Thanett aforesaid Maultman myne Overseer unto whome I give and bequeath tenn shillinges towarde his pagnes to be taken above this my last will and Testament wch I promise to be mine onely last will and Testament and doe hereby revocke all othere wills heretofore by me made in witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and year first above written in p’sence of Silas ?Hanker, Richard Stroud
        p signid Signid et sigillu Thomas Sacket

      • Page: 1603 Hughe Wright
      • Source text:

        Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (FamilySearch transcript), "16 Apr 1603 Hughe Wright s. Hughe Wright."

      • Page: 1603 Hughe Wright
      • Source text:

        Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (FamilySearch transcript), "16 Apr 1603 Hughe Wright s. Hughe Wright."

      • Page: 1629 Hugo Wright
      • Source text:

        Marriages Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (Findmypast image), "26 Nov 1629 Hugo Wright & Joanna Day."